2021-06-16 18:18:47
today was a great feeling; feeling better and better. Still TOUGH but I'm doing it! Day 9 tomorrow. My face is clearing as well, I'm doing something right and I love it. Have a happy evening.
2021-06-08 20:27:18
All I can say is I did better today than yesterday..I pat my own self on the back. Tough but better!
Michelle Griffin: Yes! The first week is the hardest but it gets better. You will always feel challenged but you will also feel like you accomplished it, so stay the course. 🥳🥳
2021-06-09 01:45:56
2021-06-07 19:32:21
I AM BEAT! I moved parts of my body that haven't moved in a while! SHOWER TIME! Day 1 completed!!
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