2021-07-12 21:00:32
Barely made it through day one (intermediate). This is my 3rd challenge so I figured I would do intermediate to challenge myself but boy my knee disagreed during some of the workouts. Not sure if I should continue intermediate or push through it since my body was on vacation for 2 weeks (no workouts 😩) so it needs time to get acclimated. When did you know you were ready for the next level? Have you combined workouts (beginners for the first half of the challenge and intermediate for the second half)?
Coop: When you have mastered the exercises with minimal modifications and don't feel challenged, then it's time to move up.
Kellie Love: Or add-on!!
Cynthia Rivera: Thank you both for your feedback! ☺️
2021-06-07 22:13:56
Day 1 complete on my second beginners challenge. I damn near passed out on round 4 but made it through! Lol. Side note: I love seeing everyone’s posts! It’s super motivating so keep ‘em coming!! #X28Fam #Day1Done